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Thursday, April 13, 2006


Vilsack PAC Sponsors "10 Word Message" for Dems

Tom Vilsack, Democratic Gov. of Iowa and possible 2008 Presidential candidate, sponsored a contest through his Heartland PAC to define the Democratic Message in 10 words.

What they lack in slickness, they make up for in corporate mission statement-ness. Reading these you realize how hard it is to make a good slogan. Combining rhythm and message in 10 words is a professional-level challenge.

ElectionJunction can never resist a contest, however beyond its talents the object may be-

"Ensuring Liberty, Protecting Freedom, And Bringing Opportunity, To All Americans"

Of course, Republicans would claim the same slogan applied to them. You can't win.

Look, more Ethanol funding! Of course, Vilsack has an excuse for pandering to Iowa farmers.

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