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Friday, January 04, 2008


Iowa: Obama is for real, is Huckabee...?

First of all- no question about it, Obama's victory is a historic moment, and one worth celebrating. Regardless of his policies, his win symbolizes the very tail end of an era. Congratulations to him on that, and congratulations to Iowa as well.

Where does he go from here? Well, as his recent ads have been indicating, this is exactly the narrative he's ready to tell. There's a movement, something is happening, don't get left out. It's a perfect plan for New Hampshire, and he might just pull off a win there as well. If he does, he's got it made. Second place seems relatively assured, and that's probably good enough too, but a win there locks it in.

Whither Huckabee? He won't win NH, he probably won't even show well. It currently seems unlikely he'll be the nominee. But that scenario can't be ruled out. For him, Iowa was just the first step in a battle that won't end til at least the end of this month. The Republican nomination is completely up for grabs, with at least 3 viable winners, possibly 4 if Rudy's Florida Gambit pays off.

The Democratic nomination could solidify very quickly in Obama's favor, in a matter of days. The Republican nomination has some long, hard-fought weeks ahead of it.

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